You're not going to be loved by everybody. Fact. You're not going to love everybody either. Fact. Not everyone is going to think you're gorgeous, or funny, or kind, or down-to-earth, or attractive. Not everyone is going to want to be friends with you, and not everyone is going to think that you're amazing. And you're not going to want to be friends with everyone. And that's okay.

[This blog post features gifted products. I was kindly gifted the Selenite Unicorn Horn, Goldstone Palm Stone, Raw Carnelian, Large White Sage, and Protection Spells Book by]

Being a Wiccan Witch with Anxiety is a better combination than you'd initially think. Having anxiety is terrible, but when you have the resources to combat it.. well, being a spiritual being and a Wiccan Witch is pretty handy. 

Since getting into Wicca and then becoming a Wiccan Witch last year, I have been really interested in divination. From pendulums, tarot cards, oracle cards, and scrying – there's an array of different forms of divination. One of the forms that I am most interested in, and intrigued by is tarot...

I've always struggled with my identity.. who am I? I know who I am, and what I like, but the confusing factor is how the media and society categorises things, people, and various other things too. People are presumptuous, so if someone is covered in tattoos "surely they don't have a soft and girly side, they must be all rock 'n roll and cigarettes", and if somebody dresses girly 24/7 "surely they're stupid and naive"....