Carnaby turned four months on January 5th, so I've decided to give you all a little update to how he's settling in with me and my mum, in the Quirk household.
I've had Carnaby for almost 3 months, on January 28th to be exact. Carnaby was born on September 5th (THE DAY AFTER MY BIRTHDAY - WHICH IS THE BEST THING EVER) and now he's just over four months old, lots of milestones are becoming apparent. Keep reading to discover a little bit more about my 4 month old kitten - Carnaby Cullen Quirk!
Carnaby's first Christmas!
Carnaby had an amazing first Christmas! He played with tinsel and lights and he opened his own presents and even wrapped some of my presents up that he bought for me, aww (thanks Mummy Quirk)!
November 20th 2015 |
Carnaby's err.. bit
Carnaby is set to have his errr... male operation thingy, if you know what I mean.. At the end of January, Carnaby will be getting castrated as his little bit keeps making an appearance which is embarrassing for all of us.. sorry Carn.
December 6th 2015 |
Pink paw-prints, everywhere!!
The other week whilst re-decorating, Carnaby stood in loads of paint and ran it around our apartment! It was so so SO cute to have little pink paw-prints all over the place!
December 6th 2015 |
Cat Scratching Tree *Adds to basket*
Carnaby has started to scratch all of my book spines as they're piled in my room until my shelves are drilled up. Naughty Carnaby!
December 2nd 2015 |
"I love biting my Mummy when we're playing"
Carnaby has a thing for biting my hand, only when he's in a super hyper and playful mood though.
January 13th 2016 |
Little Lamby, Carnaby's baby
Carnaby thinks he has a little baby. Lamby. Lamby was Jasper's toy a couple of years ago and the other week I decided to get him out to see how Carnaby would act around this little toy that probably had Jasper's scent on it. Carnaby picked him straight up in his mouth and started galloping with him!! It's honestly THE cutest thing I have ever seen. Me and my mum legit laughed for hours when he first did this. Now he does it on a daily basis, I LOVE IT!
November 15th 2015 |
Carnaby's lucky forever growing spot
Carnaby has this cute little spot on his nose that has increased in size since we got him in October. Looking back on pictures from Oct/Nov (some are above) you can really notice how it grows and gets so much bigger! It's so adorable and so lovely to look back on how it's grown and also how big he's getting.
November 15th 2015 |
Carnaby is THE cutest little baby ever and you should follow him on Instagram: @CarnabyThe Cat! You should also check out his first post on TPOMQ which introduces him into the Quirk family, check it out
here! I LOVE Carnaby SO SO SO much. He is my everything and I couldn't imagine life without my little baby ball of fluff!
I will be doing monthly reviews for him here on TPOMQ, so be sure to check in again next month for his 5 month review! Aww! He's getting so so big! He's growing up so fast!
Omg so cute =]
awhhh! my kitten had a really similar lamby too and used to run around with it in her mouth also! was so sweet! x
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